Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Assistant II Close Book Party 2014

TANA PASER - 2014 Year Book Party held the Office of Library and Regional Archive in order to celebrate the Anniversary to 55, was officially closed by Assistant Economy & Development Amiruddin Ahmad, in the field of Arts and Culture Promotion, Saturday (13/12).
Book party 2014 held the 4 to 13 December, presenting 40 publishers with 10,000 thousand copies of the book. And exhibits a replica of the sword of the Prophet Muhammad, dedicated to the introduction of the spread of the Muslim religion in the world who followed his companions.
The introduction of a reading culture and religion also provide a fascination with painting competition organized for students from kindergarten to junior high level. Book exhibition in the form of party circuit in 2014 has welcomed the 55 th anniversary and raise public interest in reading.
"2014 books in the form of a festive feast to welcome the day of the districts and foster interest in reading to the younger generation. Attempts to read have benefits to broaden and human morals, " said Head of Library & Archive Hj Sukmawati.
Sukmawati also added a reading would be so boring then coupled with a replica of the sword of the prophet as the introduction of evidence of the spread of Islam in the world. Sword prophet to come from the Turkish State as evidence of the struggle of the Prophet and the Companions in the spread of Islam to the younger generation.
Separated, Assistant Economic & Development Amiruddin Ahmad asserted exhibition of books and prophets sword has an effort on appeal especially to students. Like the sword of the Prophet Muhammad and the best friend has tremendous allure form. "This exhibition has a repertoire in the book pengelan culture and the religion of Islam as one of the religious identity of the people live," he said.
Assistant II also adds even distribution of this information must be running one of the bookmobile to village. "Equitable access to information such as the role of the mobile library is applied also to foster interest in reading for communities in rural areas, making it more evenly," he said . (sur)

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